Sunday, February 01, 2004

Another day...
Another Blog ! But first , a word from our sponsor.

Friends, do you suffer from the painful embarrassment of exzema, dry throat, wethead, underarm rash, redeye, pink eye (aye aye?)...any or all of the above?
The diagnosis is simple: BIRD FLU !!
OK...I know, knock off the malarchy.
I will. Promise!

By the way, did you ever stop to think:

How DO they get that lead into all those little pencils?
I mean, they hollow out whole trees and pour the lead in and then whittle them down into those familiar "number twos"??
I bet you never thought about that did you?

I promised you some verse and so I now present you with the following poem:

Little Mickey had a sister
She was dead before we missed her...
On the sill she sat one day...
Till a gust of wind blew her

Here's another question for you all to ponder:
When a cannibal gets nervous...does he chew his fingernails???
(Think where that could lead!?)

Which reminds me of a story I heard one time.
Two cannibals each bought a lottery ticket.
One of them won the jackpot...
The other was jealous.
The winning cannibal said to the other: "Ha Ha, eat your heart out!, fool!"

Now for some news:
They say that Howard Dean is running out of money. His campaign bragged that they had a "war chest" totaling over $42,000,000 only a few months ago.
Where did it all go?
Think about it, folks...
would you want that spend thrift for President?? He spends money faster than a drunken sailor!

Speaking of (drunken) sailors...Kerry is coming on strong, isn't he??

Ah well...enough is enough.

One more wee bit of verse and then I'll leave you all be.

Sally and Sam sat still in a stew...
Said Sally to Sam, I'm hot...
aren't YOU???
Said Sam to old Sally...
I think its YOUR fault...
Not please just shut up...
And PLEASE pass the salt!!

Slainte !!

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