Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Before I begin with some thoughts I wanted to throw before you I wanted to be sure to point out the fine picture to the left. That's your man himself rowing a boat on a fine summer's day. Yes, no need to tell me I already know that there's a fine healthy brain just churning with thought below the fashionable hat atop the lad's head.
Well, enough said on that.
Well, I decided to share with you all just a few more of my thoughts on the subject of dear old Saint Francis and of religion in general. I hope no of you will take offense.
Some time ago I heard it said that there is a difference between a person's religion and his or her faith. As I recall the telling of it, the traditional way and place where a person might find himself worshiping is dictated by their "religion". The way in which that same person conducts their everyday affairs dictates their actual "faith".
Now, take your man Saint Francis for instance. He was a true enough member of the Roman Catholic church as was just about everyone else in Italy during his day. Correct? Sure enough you can't disagree with me on that point, can you now? But...and here's my point so please pay attention...he lived his life so differently than did the other Catholics of his time that he was considered a "radical" and somewhat of a "rebel" for his time! To hear tell of it the Pope himself didn't quite know what to make of Francis and his "strange new ways". From what I've been reading and from what I learned while on my visit to Assisi, Francis was often quite at odds with the established meaning of what it meant to be a "good Catholic" at that time in history.
He never left mother church mind you. He always remained a Catholic but he lived his life...his FAITH mind you...according to what he truly and personally believed to be the way in which God wanted him to live.
OK, am I boring you yet? Bare with me folks I'm getting to my point.
Jesus himself was, by birth, born into the tribe of David. His religion was Jewish. Ah but, like Francis himself Jesus followed a different drummer so to speak, didn't he now? Jesus's faith was a wee bit different than that of many of his fellow Jews of that time. He too followed a very personal faith life BUT continued to worship in the temple as a member of the Jewish religion.
I don't know if I'm making any sense to any of you out there but this matter has me thinking a bit more about my own faith and my own religious traditions. Sure I'm a Catholic like many a man around here. I'm not about to go out and become a Mormon an Anglican or one of those Hari Krishna people who dance around at the airports and bus stations. I have nothing against any man or woman of another faith mind you. Don't be misunderstanding me now. I just mean that I'm a Catholic by birth, by tradition and, I guess continuous choice. That's my "religion". My faith though, well that's another matter (almost) entirely now, isn't it?
God help us all be better people.
Anyway...just a thought I wanted to share with the rest of you good folks out there in the rest of the world.
On another still have a few more days to vote in my one-of-a-kind poll!
So far there has been two voters, God bless'em! I know I'm one, and I'm highly suspicious that my wife cast the other vote. As for the third voter, well, I don't know who it was BUT whoever took the time to cast that ballot, thanks!
Alright now, I'll be off for the night.
Tomorrow I'll try to focus on less heady matters. Maybe we can commiserate on the price of tea in China or the cost of petrol or some such thing. I was going to share my opinions with you on why the Pope was a Nazi but, well, lets let bygones be bygones, shall we?
Best to you now...I'm off!
As always!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Well, I'm back. For better or for worse I'm back with you all once again. all might be wondering where I've been for the past two years (since my last "posting") and I'm about to tell you.
First off let me do my best to dispel those rumors about me that have been floating around the internet for the last few years.
No. I've not been arrested.
No. I've not been on a boozer, at least not for any great length of time! :)
And NO...I'm not dead yet!!
I've been busy around the house here and I've also been busy traveling around Europe and the US.
I didn't win the sweepstakes although God knows I deserve it and it would be a big help. As it turns out my lovely bride of many a good year decided it was time for us to travel some and also to visit some of the family who saw fit to move over the water, as the old folks around here like to say.
I've been to Rome. Believe it or not I got to see the Pope himself. I didn't shake his hand or anything like that but I did get to see him up in his window waving to us all down in the plaza below. Too bad he didn't know I was down there. I think he might have been one of the folks who have been reading this blog. (If not he should have been!)
We also went to Assisi. For all of you pagans let me tell you straight out that that is where Saint Francis, the man himself is from! If you look at the top right hand side of this page you will see a picture of St. Francis. Notice he is playing a fiddle made out of little sticks? He was a lover of fine music like myself. Thats a fact and you can look it up.
Now heres the thing about St. Francis. In Assisi Italy there is a wonderful cathedral built in his honor. I can't for the life of me figure out why a man dedicated to simple living and to a life of poverty would have been buried inside a massive and gold filled cathedral? I don't know. Next time I'm in Rome I'll ask our man the Pope that very question. Something tells me that he might find himself scratching his head over that question just a bit. more thing.
Since my absence I noticed that this "blog" has changed. What I mean is that the place where I write this stuff looks a lot different than it used to look.
There are a lot of new instructions on how to add new things and a lot of different tools that let me add pictures and the like.
OK...I'll try to figure this all out and maybe my writing will be all the better for it.
I'll post this now because I want to see if anyone remembers me and IF I'm pushing the right buttons on this computer so that this actually gets online as they say. me if you like. Tell me you're glad I'm back (or NOT as the case may be).
I'll also try to get these old postings tucked away in the archives IF I can figure out how to do that. can now add comments to my blog if you so desire.
Just look below the latest posting and click on the word comment. Be kind and, if you can't be kind at least be sober when you leave your comments. That has been known to temper the outrage somewhat.
Oh yes indeed...another thing for you all before you take your leave.
Notice over there on the right there is a little vote I am asking for you to partake in?
I need your help deciding whether or not I should continue with my blogging.
Vote once, vote twice or, if you're from Chicago or New Jersey vote as often as you wish!
Thanks in advance for your participation in my poll!
OK...I'm off.
As always...